Semaine du Cirque | 2020

Semaine du Cirque | 2020

In the middle of the pandemic, Circus Arts and Sciences was designed as a virtual interactive exchange platform on MURAL and Zoom. During the numerous roundtables and collaborative writing sessions, we discussed the relevance of circus studies for society and its place within academia.


Expert Groups

Culture and Performance Studies
Host: Franziska Trapp | Université Libre de Bruxelles
Karel Vanhaesebrouck | Université Libre de Bruxelles
Michael Eigtved | University of Copenhagen
Jonas Eklund | Stockholm University
Katie Gardner | Queens University London
Karine Saroh | ESACTO Lido Toulouse


Host: Ilaria Bessone | University of Milan
Emilie Salamero | Université Toulouse III
Magali Sizorn | Université de Rouen
Olga Lucia Sorzano | University of London
Carolyn Watt | University of Sussex


History and Heritage
Host: Anna-Sophie Juergens | University of Canberra
Mirjam Hildbrand | University of Bern
Anne Hemkendreis | University of Freiburg
Laurette Burgholzer | University of Bern
Katalin Teller | HU Berlin


Pedagogy and Educational Studies
Host: Alisan Funk | Stockholm University of the Arts
Pam Burnard | University of Cambridge
Andrieu Bernard | Université Paris Déchartes
Marco Antonio Coelho | Unicamp Brazil
Kristof Fenyvesi | University of Jyväskylä


Organisation of the focus day
Dr. Franziska Trapp


A collaboration between the Université Libre de Bruxelles and the Université Paul Valéry Montpellier III.


© Image: Benjamin Leers

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